SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a set of technical standards for E-learning platforms. It provides the communication method and data models that allow E-learning content and platforms to work together. SCORM also defines how to package content into a transferable ZIP file, called a “Package Interchange Format”, to be uploaded in the platform.
CXcherry is compatible with SCORM version 1.2. Please note that every platform has a standard set of core components that are used for SCORM objects. SCORM can be added as training material for eLearning courses only. Your CXcherry platform URL should have HTTPS (SSL enabled) for SCORM packages to work.
To upload the SCORM package as training material, log in to your CXcherry platform as the Super Admin. Click on the gear icon in the header and select the Manage Training Materials item. On the Manage Training Materials page, press the plus button.
In the slide-out panel, click the SCORM option on the page. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*. A few details about fields on this page:
- Title: Title of the SCORM package.
- Description: Description of the SCORM package.
- Upload File: Zip file of the SCORM package. The maximum file size should not exceed 1 GB.
- View Mode: Mode for each device on which the SCORM package will be played. Please see the details for device wise view mode as below:
- Play Inline: Use this mode if you want to play SCORM in the area where the course player image is displayed. This mode is to be avoided if your SCORM package includes Iframes.
- Play in Lightbox: Use this mode if you want to play SCORM in a lightbox. This mode is to be avoided if your SCORM package includes Iframes.
- Fullscreen: Use this mode if you want to play SCORM in fullscreen. We recommend this mode for the best experience on a desktop.
- Play in New Window: Use this mode if you want to play SCORM in a new browser window.
Tablet (via Browser)
- Fullscreen: Use this mode if you want to play SCORM in fullscreen. We recommend this mode for the best experience on a tablet.
- Play in New Window: Use this mode if you want to play SCORM in a new browser window.
Mobile (via Browser)
- Fullscreen: Use this mode if you want to play SCORM in fullscreen. We recommend this mode for the best experience on mobile.
- Disable Mobile Play: Use this mode if you want to disable SCORM on a mobile. This is to be used for SCORM packages that are not designed to work on mobile screens. If this mode is selected, users will get a message asking them to access it on a desktop or tablet whenever they try to launch the SCORM package.
Press SAVE button to upload a SCORM package to your CXcherry platform. You can edit or delete a SCORM package. This can be done by clicking Edit and Delete icons under the Action column. If you delete a SCORM package, you will not be able to assign it to any new course. However, the deleted SCORM package will continue to be a part of the courses to which it was already assigned. You can launch the SCORM package by clicking on the Play icon under the Action column. You can see the interaction data reported by the SCORM package by clicking the Interaction icon under the Action column. You can see the courses to which the SCORM package has been assigned by clicking the icon under the Courses column.