Your CXcherry platform allows you to setup additional fields for users. These additional fields allow you to collect information about your users, besides the standard data needed for user creation (Username, Level, First Name, Last Name, Email). Additional Fields as the name suggests are not mandatory, you should add them if the standard data fields are not enough for you to structure your users.
To create a new additional field, log in to your CXcherry platform as the Super Admin. Click on the gear icon in the header and select Manage Users item. On the Manage Users page, hover over the second plus button from left at the top, then press the Manage Additional Fields button. You will be redirected to Manage Additional Fields page. On the Manage Additional Fields page, press the second plus button from left at the top.
In the slide-out panel, fill out the information on the page. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*. A few details about fields on this page:
Language: Select the language from the drop down in which the new additional field is being added.
Type: Select the type of the additional field from drop down. The following types of additional fields are supported by your CX Cherry platform:
- Dropdown: This field allows you to create a list of options that can be selected as the additional field value. If required, you can create codependent dropdown fields in your platform. For e.g. if you have business units and divisions as part of your organizations structure where each business unit consists of multiple divisions. You start by setting up business unit as an addition field with a list of business units of your organization. You then setup division as the codependent field. This can be done by selecting business unit as the parent field for division and linking the appropriate business unit with the corresponding division.
- Date: This field allows you to add a date as the additional field value. You or your users will select from a calendar a date to populate the field.
- File: This field allows you to import a PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG or MP4 file to the user’s profile.
- Text: This field allows you to add free text (in a single string, including spaces) to populate the additional field value. There is a 191-character limit.
- Free Text: This field allows for population by free text (including spaces and blank rows) as the additional field value. There is a 65,535-character limit.
- Number: This field allows you to add integer value to populate the additional field value.
Mandatory: This indicates if the additional field is a mandatory field.
Editable by user: This indicates if the additional field can be changed by a user.
Available for filters: This indicates if the additional field is available as a filter for reports. This option is not available for additional field type ‘File’ and ‘Free Text’.
Press SAVE button to add an additional field to your CXcherry platform. You can edit or delete an additional field. This can be done by clicking Edit and Delete icons under the Action column. You cannot edit or delete the standard fields of your platform. You can determine the sequence in which standard and additional fields (if any) will appear on the Add/Edit Users page or the CSV file for uploading users in bulk. This can be done by dragging and dropping the fields in the list on your Manage Additional Fields page.
When creating or updating an additional field, you can create the additional field in multiple languages using the language drop down. Please note that when you are creating or editing additional fields in the platform, it is mandatory to add in platforms default language (English US). If you do not add additional fields in one of the additional languages, that additional field will appear in the default language instead of appearing blank.