If you want to embed videos, photos, text, and pages from the world wide web into specific text boxes, you can create an HTML page in your CXcherry platform. 

To create HTML Page as training material, log in to your CXcherry platform as the Super Admin. Click on the gear icon in the header and select the Manage Training Materials item. On the Manage Training Materials page, press the plus button.  

In the slide-out panel, click the HTML Page option on the page. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*. A few details about fields on this page: 

  • Title: Title of the file. 
  • Description: Description of the file. 
  • Page Body: Content for the HTML Page. You can insert videos, photos, text, or pages (weblink). 

To insert a video, click the Insert/edit media button in the toolbar at the top of the Page Body text box. In the pop-up box, fill out each text box as necessary: 

  • Source: URL of the video. 
  • Dimensions: You can set the width and height of the video. You can also flag the option to constrain proportions. 
  • Alternative source URL: An alternative URL for the video. 
  • Media poster (Image URL): An image that will be displayed before playing the video. It will be the cover image of this training material. 

Alternatively, you can add the embed code for the video by clicking on the Embed tab in the pop-up box. 

To insert a photo, click the Insert/edit image button in the toolbar at the top of the Page Body text box. In the pop-up box, fill out each text box as necessary: 

  • Source: URL of the image. 
  • Alternative description: Alternative text to be displayed in case the image fails to load on the users’ screen. 
  • Dimensions: You can set the width and height of the image. You can also flag the option to constrain proportions. 
  • Show caption: You can choose to show the caption of the image. 

Alternatively, you can upload an image from your machine by clicking on the Upload tab in the pop-up box. 

To insert a weblink, click Insert/edit link button in the toolbar at the top of the Page Body text box. In the pop-up box, fill out each text box as necessary: 

  • URL: URL of the weblink. 
  • Text to display: Text to display for the weblink. 
  • Title: Text to display when you hover on the web link.  
  • Open link in: Current Window or New window. 


Press the SAVE button to add an HTML page to your CXcherry platform. You can edit or delete an HTML Page. This can be done by clicking Edit and Delete icons under the Action column. If you delete an HTML Page, you will not be able to assign it to any new course. However, the deleted HTML Page will continue to be a part of the courses to which it was already assigned. You can launch the HTML Page by clicking on the Play icon under the Action column. You can see the courses to which the HTML Page has been assigned by clicking the icon under the Courses column.