Your CXcherry platform allows you to create and store questions in a question bank so that those questions can be used across multiple surveys in multiple courses. 

To create a new question bank, log in to your CXcherry platform as the Super Admin. Click on the gear icon in the header and select Manage Survey Question Banks item. On the Manage Survey Question Banks page, hover over the plus button at the top, then press the Add Question Bank button. 

In the slide-out panel, fill out the information on the page. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*. A few details about fields on this page: 

  • Title: Name of the question bank. 
  • Description: Description of the question bank. 

Press the SAVE button to add a question bank to your CXcherry platform. You can edit or delete a question bank. This can be done by clicking Edit and Delete icons under the Action column. You can delete a question bank only if no questions are added to the question bank. You can add questions to a question bank. This can be done by clicking the Add Questions (Plus) icon under the Action column. You will be redirected to Manage Questions page. On the Manage Questions page, press the plus button at the top and select the type of question that you would like to add to the question bank.