When you create an eLearning or Webinar course, you can create one or more test within the course to verify users understanding and knowledge acquisition from the course.
To create Test as a training material, log in to your CXcherry platform as the Super Admin. Click on the gear icon in the header and select Manage Training Materials item. On the Manage Training Materials page, press the plus button.
In the slide-out panel, click Test option on the page. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*. A few details about fields on this page:
- Title: Title of the test.
- Description: Description of the test.
Press SAVE button to add a Test to your CXcherry platform. You can edit or delete a Test. This can be done by clicking Edit and Delete icons under the Action column. If you delete a Test, you will not be able to assign it to any new course. However, the deleted Test will continue to be a part of the courses to which it was already assigned. You can launch the Test by clicking on the Play icon under the Action column. You can see answer sheet for the test by clicking Answer sheet icon under the Action column. You can see the courses to which the Test has been assigned by clicking icon under the Courses column. To configure the test settings, assign questions and feedback, you need to click on the Edit icon under the Action column. You will be redirected to the inner page of the Test which has the following tabs:
General Information:
This tab has the following details of the test:
- Title
- Description
This tab has all the settings of the test. A few details about fields on this page:
Attempt Options
- Allow users to pause and resume test: Select this option if you want users to take the test in multiple sessions. However, this is not applicable to test which have a time limit.
- Answer all questions: Select this option if you want users to answer all the questions in the test.
- Allow users to edit answers: Select this option if you want users to edit their answer to a question.
- Allow backtracking: Select this option if you want users to go back to previously attempted/viewed questions.
- Allow users to move across questions: Select this option if you want users to skip questions in the test.
Time Options
- No time limit: Select this option if you do not want to set any time limit for users to finish the test.
- Time limit, test based: Select this option if you want to set a time limit for users to finish the test. You can specify the time limit in seconds.
Score Options
- Minimum score to pass the test: The minimum score (in percentage terms) that needs to be achieved by users to pass the test. If you do not set this value, then there is no minimum score to pass the test.
- Show result screen automatically after submission of the test: Select this option if you want users to see the results screen on submission of the test.
- Score per question: Select this option if you want system to pick scores (for Correct Choice, Incorrect Choice and No Response) captured while creating the question.
- Score per difficulty level: Select this option if you want system to pick scores as per the difficulty level of the question. You need to specify the following scores for each difficulty level in the system:
Correct Choice: Score to be awarded if the user has given a correct answer for the question.
Incorrect Choice: Score to be penalized if the user has given an incorrect answer for the question.
No Response: Score to be penalized if the user has not given an answer for the question.
Feedback Options
- Show question level feedback: Select this option if you want to show feedback (for correct as well as incorrect choice) to user after they have submitted the answer. This feedback is captured while creating the question.
- Show test level feedback: Select this option if you want to show feedback to user for the test after they have submitted the entire test.
- Show answer sheet to users:
Yes: Select this option if you want to show answer sheet to users after the test result is available.
No: Select this option if you do not want to show answer sheet to users after the test result is available.
Yes, if the test has been passed: Select this option if you want to show answer sheet to only those users who have passed the test.
- Show correct answers: Select this option if you want to show in answer sheet the correct answer for a question.
- Show submitted answers: Select this option if you want to show in answer sheet the answer submitted for a question by the user.
Other Options
- Randomize questions in test: Select this option if you want to randomize questions in the test. Otherwise, questions are shown as per the sequence in which they are added to the test.
- Randomize answer options in question: Select this option if you want to randomize answer options for a question. Otherwise, answer options are shown as per the sequence in which they are added to the question.
Assign Questions:
This tab has all the questions in the test. You can either import questions from a Question Bank or directly add questions to the test. To import questions from a Question Bank, select “Import from Question Bank” option from the drop down and click on the “Go” button. You need to select a question bank from the list and can then select the questions within the selected question bank which you want to import to the test. To add a question to the test, select “Add <Question_Type>” option from the drop down and click on the “Go” button. You can determine the sequence for the questions/titles in the test by dragging and dropping the questions/titles. The available question types are as follows:
Single Choice Question: For this question type, users can choose a single choice from the available answer choices as there is only one correct choice. To add a single choice question to the test, select “Add Single Choice Question” option from the drop down and click on the “Go” button. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*. A few details about fields on this page:
- Question Id: Unique Id of the question.
- Question Text: Text for the question. You can also upload file of type XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, MP3, and MP4 in addition to the question text. The maximum file size should not exceed 1 GB.
- Question Category: Select the question category from the drop down.
- Difficulty Level: Select the difficulty level from the drop down.
- Score if Correct Choice: Score to be awarded if the user has given a correct answer for the question.
- Negative Score if Incorrect Choice: Score to be penalized if the user has given an incorrect answer for the question.
- Negative Score if No Response: Score to be penalized if the user has not given an answer for the question.
- Answer Text: Text for the answer choice. Press Add Option button to add an answer choice to your question. You can edit or delete an answer text. This can be done by clicking Edit and Delete options under the gear icon in front of the Options list. You can also upload file of type XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, MP3, and MP4 in addition to the answer text. The maximum file size should not exceed 1 GB. This can be done by clicking Upload File option under the gear icon in front of the Options list. You can determine the sequence in which answer choices should appear for the question. This can be done by dragging and dropping the answer choices in the Options list.
- Feedback for Correct Choice: Feedback to be shown to user after they have submitted correct choice for the question.
- Feedback for Incorrect Choice: Feedback to be shown to user after they have submitted incorrect choice for the question.
Press ADD button to add a single choice question to the test. You can edit or delete a single choice question in the test. This can be done by clicking Edit and Delete icons under the Action column.
Multiple Choice Question: For this question type, users can choose more than one choice from the available answer choices as there is more than one correct choice. To add a multiple choice question to the test, select “Add Multiple Choice Question” option from the drop down and click on the “Go” button. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*. A few details about fields on this page:
- Question Id: Unique Id of the question.
- Question Text: Text for the question. You can also upload file of type XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, MP3, and MP4 in addition to the question text. The maximum file size should not exceed 1 GB.
- Question Category: Select the question category from the drop down.
- Difficulty Level: Select the difficulty level from the drop down.
- Score if Correct Choice: Score to be awarded if the user has given a correct answer for the question.
- Negative Score if Incorrect Choice: Score to be penalized if the user has given an incorrect answer for the question.
- Negative Score if No Response: Score to be penalized if the user has not given an answer for the question.
- Answer Text: Text for the answer choice. Press Add Option button to add an answer choice to your question. You can edit or delete an answer text. This can be done by clicking Edit and Delete options under the gear icon in front of the Options list. You can also upload file of type XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, MP3, and MP4 in addition to the answer text. The maximum file size should not exceed 1 GB. This can be done by clicking Upload File option under the gear icon in front of the Options list. You can determine the sequence in which answer choices should appear for the question. This can be done by dragging and dropping the answer choices in the Options list.
- Feedback for Correct Choice: Feedback to be shown to user after they have submitted correct choice for the question.
- Feedback for Incorrect Choice: Feedback to be shown to user after they have submitted incorrect choice for the question.
Press ADD button to add a multiple choice question to the test. You can edit or delete a multiple choice question in the test. This can be done by clicking Edit and Delete icons under the Action column.
Short Answer Question: For this question type, users will respond by either writing the response themselves or upload a file which contains the response. The response needs to be evaluated by the Instructor. To add a short answer question to the test, select “Add Short Answer Question” option from the drop down and click on the “Go” button. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*. A few details about fields on this page:
- Question Id: Unique Id of the question.
- Question Text: Text for the question. You can also upload file of type XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, MP3, and MP4 in addition to the question text. The maximum file size should not exceed 1 GB.
- Question Category: Select the question category from the drop down.
- Difficulty Level: Select the difficulty level from the drop down.
- Maximum Score: Maximum score that can be given by the Instructor.
- Character Limit: Number of characters permitted for the written response. You can specify it as 0 to indicate no character limit.
Press ADD button to add a short answer question to the test. You can edit or delete a short answer question in the test. This can be done by clicking Edit and Delete icons under the Action column.
Fill in the blank: For this question type, users need to type the answer for every blank in the question. To add a fill in the blank question to the test, select “Add Fill in the blank” option from the drop down and click on the “Go” button. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*. A few details about fields on this page:
- Question Id: Unique Id of the question.
- Question Text: Text for the question. You can also upload file of type JPG, JPEG and PNG in addition to the question text. The maximum file size should not exceed 1 GB.
- Question Category: Select the question category from the drop down.
- Difficulty Level: Select the difficulty level from the drop down.
- Score if Correct Choice: Score to be awarded if the user has given a correct answer for the question.
- Negative Score if Incorrect Choice: Score to be penalized if the user has given an incorrect answer for the question.
- Negative Score if No Response: Score to be penalized if the user has not given an answer for the question.
- Answer Text: Text for the answer. You can add multiple answer texts and separate them by pressing the Enter or Tab key. You can choose if the answer text should be case sensitive or not. Press Add Option button to add an answer text to your question. This will generate an answer short code which you need to copy and paste in the text of the question to allow users to insert their answers. You can edit or delete an answer text. This can be done by clicking Edit and Delete options under the Action column in front of the Answer list.
- Feedback for Correct Choice: Feedback to be shown to user after they have submitted correct choice for the question.
- Feedback for Incorrect Choice: Feedback to be shown to user after they have submitted incorrect choice for the question.
Press ADD button to add a fill in the blank question to the test. You can edit or delete a fill in the blank question in the test. This can be done by clicking Edit and Delete icons under the Action column.
Match the following: For this question type, users must associate answer choices with a topic. Users will need to associate elements in Group A with elements in Group B. To add a match the following question to the test, select “Add Match the following” option from the drop down and click on the “Go” button. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*. A few details about fields on this page:
- Question Id: Unique Id of the question.
- Question Text: Text for the question.
- Question Category: Select the question category from the drop down.
- Difficulty Level: Select the difficulty level from the drop down.
- Score if Correct Choice: Score to be awarded if the user has given a correct answer for the question.
- Negative Score if Incorrect Choice: Score to be penalized if the user has given an incorrect answer for the question.
- Negative Score if No Response: Score to be penalized if the user has not given an answer for the question.
- Answer Text: Text for the Group A and Group B element. Press Add Option button to add an answer choice to your question. This will open a pop up on which you will need to define Group A and the corresponding Group B element to form an answer pairing. You can either enter text or upload a file. The supported file types are JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF and BMP. The maximum file size should not exceed 1 GB. You need to click on the UPDATE button on the pop up to SAVE the answer pairing. You can edit or delete an answer text. This can be done by clicking Edit and Delete options under the gear icon in front of the answer pairing list. You can determine the sequence in which Group A elements should appear for the question. This can be done by dragging and dropping the answer pairings in the list.
Press ADD button to add a match the following question to the test. You can edit or delete a match the following question in the test. This can be done by clicking Edit and Delete icons under the Action column.
Title: If you want to show any specific instructions either for the test or specific questions in the test, you can make use of a title. The title is shown with all the questions in the test that follow the title. To add a title to the test, select “Add Title” option from the drop down and click on the “Go” button. This will open a pop up on which you will need to specify the title text. You need to click on the SAVE button on the pop up to SAVE the title.
You can determine the sequence of the questions/titles in the test by dragging and dropping the questions/titles in the test.
Test Feedback
This tab has the feedback for the test that needs to be shown to users based on their final score. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*. A few details about fields on this page:
- Feedback Text: Text to be shown to user.
- Final Score From (%): Final score from which the feedback is applicable.
- Final Score To (%): Final score to which the feedback is applicable.
Press SAVE button to add a feedback for the test. You can edit or delete the feedback for the test. This can be done by clicking Edit and Delete icons under the Action column.
Test History
This tab shows an audit trail of all the changes done to the test.