Terminology and Localization tool in your CXcherry platform allows you to manage translations in supported languages. To access the terminology and localization tool, log in to your CXcherry platform as the Super Admin. Click on the gear icon in the header and select Terminology and Localization item. 

You can filter the translations in the system based on type. You can compare the translation of language string in two different languages easily. To do so, select a language in the first drop down (Language) and another language in the second drop down (Compare To). 

If you want to edit any string, you can search the string and click on the text under the Compare To column. This will open a pop up on which you can enter the revised text. You need to click on the SAVE button to update the string. You can click on the CANCEL button if you do not want to save your changes. 

To export translations in a CSV file, press the Export to File button on the Terminology and Localization page. This will allow you to download the translations in a CSV file.